I am repainting my previously painted wall, why would the paint not cover after one or two coats?
I am repainting my previously painted wall, why would the paint not cover after one or two coats?

The following could be the reason:

  • Incorrect roller used for the specific surface. When purchasing a paint brush or roller, read the directions on the label as this will direct you as to which area should be painted with that specific roller. 
  • Certain rollers such as foam rollers roll a thinner coat of paint than other rollers. 
  • The paint is not applied correctly: When painting with a roller, it is easy to roll the paint out too thinly. This will result in the coats not covering. This is called stretching the paint. 
  • When repainting a dark coloured wall with a much lighter colour, you may need more than two or three coats of the lighter colour before the darker colour will cover. The use of a primer might be beneficial as this will reduce the number of top coats that will be required.

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