Tjhoko Paint – Chalk painting your picnic theme
Tjhoko Paint – Chalk painting your picnic theme

Tjhoko Paint – Chalk painting your picnic theme

You will need:

• tree rounds (stepping stones), available at nurseries
• a stencil in the design of your choice
• Stencil of Paris
• paint scraper (50mm wide)
• Tjhoko Paint (we used the colours Jane’s Jade, Simon Says and Cloud White)
• paintbrush (50mm wide)
• Antique Brown Glaze
• mutton cloth the size of a tea towel

Here's how...

1. Place the stencil on top of the tree round. Apply some of the Stencil of Paris evenly over the stencil with the paint scraper. Remove the stencil while the paste is still wet (take care not to smudge the paste) and rinse the stencil with water.

2. Wait about 2 hours for the Stencil of Paris to dry completely, then paint it with the Tjhoko Paint colour of your choice. We painted some of the tree rounds with Jane’s Jade and others with Simon Says. Allow at least four hours to dry.

3. Stir the Antique Brown Glaze well and pour 100ml into another container; dilute with 30ml water. Carefully apply the glaze over the paint with a paintbrush. Wipe off immediately with a damp cloth until you’re satisfied with the weathered effect. 4 Wait about 30 minutes then apply Cloud White paint over the Antique Brown Glaze. Use a dry brush (wet just the tip of the brush with a tiny bit of paint) to brush lightly over the glaze.

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